Program Formats

EDRS 2018 Program Formats

EDRS is pleased to offer the 2018 conference program in a variety of different formats including a web-based app version that is compatible with all versions, as well as dedicated iPhone/Android apps. Lastly, there is also a basic, printable version of the program. All of these formats update in real-time with any programming changes.

Online Program

Compatibility: All devices (Requires Internet)

Basic web-based version of the program as posted on the conference website. Includes options for At-a-Glance, Summary and Detailed versions of the program. Best for desktop computers.

Click to view the online program.


Mobile Web App

Compatibility: All devices (Requires Internet)

The mobile web app is compatible with all devices and allows you to view/search the full conference program. In addition, you may access additional features such as an attendee directory, speaker directory and additional conference information.

Click to view the mobile app.


Printable Version

Compatibility: N/A

A simple, printable version of the program is available using the link below. Please be sure to print this page if you wish to have a copy onsite at the conference.

All abstracts are also available here.

Click to print the program (with abstracts)

Click to print the program (without abstracts)