Call for Symposium Proposals: Due April 22, 2022 by midnight EST
EDRS members are invited to submit symposium proposals for the 2022 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA. A symposium is ideal for presenting work that is of broad interest to the EDRS membership, that involves investigators across a number of locations working on related questions, and that cannot be adequately covered within a single 15-minute oral scientific paper presentation. We will prioritize symposium proposals that address the theme of “The Next Generation of Eating Disorder Research: Breakthroughs, Innovations, and Future Directions”. We anticipate accepting 1-2 symposium proposals for the meeting given the limited number of times available for general sessions.
Time and Structure of Symposium
Symposia are 90 minutes in total length, thus we recommend a maximum of 4 speakers per symposium, including a symposium chair. Each speaker would have 20 minutes to present. The chair is responsible for ensuring that presentations fall within the allotted time and that there is time for at least 10 minutes of questions during the 90-minute session. Time for questions and discussion can be scheduled following individual talks or at the end of all talks but must be included within the 90-minute session.
Instructions for Symposium Proposals
The designated chair for a submitted symposium should use the format presented below to prepare the following information for review:
2022 EDRS Symposium Proposal – Formal Structure
Symposium Title: Chair (name and affiliation):
Title of First Talk: Speaker (name and affiliation):
Title of Second Talk: Speaker (name and affiliation):
Title of Third Talk: Speaker (name and affiliation):
Title of Fourth Talk: Speaker (name and affiliation):
Requirements for Accepted Symposia
In submitting a symposium proposal, chairs and proposed speakers agree, if accepted, to present at their assigned time given the limited number of times available. People who are unable to attend the full meeting due to schedule conflicts may not wish to participate in submitting a symposium proposal for the 2022 EDRS meeting. All symposium presenters are required to register and for and attend the EDRS meeting.
Please email your submission to [email protected].