Abstract Submission


Important Dates

  • Closes June 23, 2023
  • Notice of Acceptance July 2023
    • Please note that EDRS members are guaranteed to have their work accepted for poster presentation.

Submission Process

  • All presenting authors must register for the conference prior to submitting an abstract. If your abstract is not accepted, your registration fee will be refunded.
  • Review the abstract submission guidelines below
  • Submit your abstract using our online abstract submission system by June 23, 2023.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Things to Know
  • Member abstracts are guaranteed acceptance.
  • All presenting authors must be registered for the conference.
  • Submission deadline is June 23, 2023.
  • Manuscripts that are emailed will not be accepted.

Criteria for Selecting Oral Presentations
All submissions are reviewed by the program committee and are rated in terms of innovation, creativity, quality of design, and importance of the work for scientific progress in the field. We will be able to select the highest ranked 26 papers for oral presentation. Because a major purpose of the meeting is to discuss cutting-edge projects and work in progress, papers reporting on content already published or previously presented will receive lower priority for oral presentation than new work, even if it is of exceptional quality. When submitting work in progress, please indicate or describe essential design features and, as available, preliminary results. The EDRS has over 200 members representing the premier researchers in the field who, in turn, invite exceptional junior colleagues or other distinguished guests. Given the time constraints for oral presentation, regrettably, a majority of truly excellent submissions are selected for poster presentation.

Abstract Formatting

TITLE: Type title in UPPER CASE letters.
AUTHORS: List all authors with presenter first.

1. Introduction.
2. Methods.
3. Results.
4. Conclusions.
**Please note there is a limit of 1,500 characters for the body of the abstract including spaces and punctuation. Any abstract that exceeds this limit can not be considered.

Specific details will be provided at the time of notification of acceptance of the work for poster presentation.

Member Sponsor

EDRS members may submit multiple abstracts and are guaranteed to have their work accepted for poster presentation. Non-members must indicate the name of their sponsor in their abstract. Acceptance of non-member abstracts is based on scientific merit of the abstract and availability of time for oral presentation or space for displaying the posters. By sponsoring non-member submissions, members accept responsibility for the quality of their guests' papers or posters.